Orbital Comics Exhibition 1st May – 26th May
I’m happy to announce that MCM Expo’s highly sucessful and enjoyable Comic Village will be sponsoring an exhibition of work from me & Paul at Orbital Comics! We’ll be showcasing large prints of our illustrations, comics and original linework. I’ve done a couple of new illustrations that haven’t been seen before, too. I will have copies of Fish + Chocolate available, and Paul will have his work, Signal, available as well. We’ll be bridging our work with work from Freakangels, since we both work on that together! :)
So yeah, dates! The private view evening is from 7pm-9pm on Saturday 30th April, and both Paul and I will be there. It’s a free event with drinks and nibbles, so do come along! It would be nice to see you all! If you are unable to make the evening, the exhibition is open to the public from 1st May – 29th May, and of course both Paul and I will be in the Comic Village at MCM Expo.
I keep any events I’m definitely attending up-to-date on the bottom of the front page of my site, so check them out and I hope to see you there! :)
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