Lady Jessica/Dune

I’m trying to fit in some fanarts I’ve been wanting to draw in a quick dip between projects!!! So, this is Lady Jessica, from Frank Herbert’s Dune! PLEASE, please, no spoilers, I’m only part-way through the book! I know it’s an old book, but I’m getting super into it, and it feels like the kind of thing I could do without spoilers for ^^; Anyway! I really love Jessica! She’s super awesome and basically a ninja!!! This picture is quite simple, I guess… my own vision for Jessica… ^_^ I redesigned her dress many times. I wanted something elegant but simple, but kept on overworking it and adding uneccesary stuff… and then pared it back down a little in the end, so, I’m happier with this look! Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember what colour her eyes were (or if it was even mentioned), so, I just went for hazel ^^; She has quite a jaw going on, there. I’m really into ladies with larger jaws recently! #pleasemarrymerose #noreally

I understand Agent Cooper plays Paul in the Dune film by David Lynch! I am going to have to check this shit out.

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