Archive for April 16th, 2014

New Comics round-up!

(Most of these comics aren’t terribly new — I am just severely late!) Here’s a bunch of stuff I’ve been reading (relatively) recently! I’ve possibly missed off a few things……… um, I’ve not done one of these since last year! I’m sure I’ve read more comics than this… O_o;

Created by Matt Gibbs and Sara Dunkerton

Okay, this one is new! My gosh it’s so CUTE! I have a thing for mouse-anthro characters after reading the Brambley Hedge books as a kid. This is like Brambley Hedge mixed with Indiana Jones and if that doesn’t interest you I DON’T WANT TO KNOW YOU. I am very excited for the upcoming issues. It’s suitable for most ages, although there is some (very tiny) gun violence.

Mega Robo Bros
Created by Neill Cameron

This one’s fairly new, as it began in the Phoenix in issue #112. This is about cute little robots who are brothers in the FUTURE and how awesome would it be to really be a robot, really, and they’re adopted and oh my, there’s some dark stuff threading through this. OBVIOUSLY I LOVE IT. Here’s hoping it’ll go to book format soon for those unable to get back-issues!

Knight & Dragon
Created by Matt Gibbs, Bevis Musson and Nathan Ashworth

Oh my GOD I love this. The cartooning and the stories both are so fun! Bevis has drawn my favourite cartoon horse EVER. It’s so clever as a comic, too… it’s sort of like those choose-your-own-adventure books, but it’s a frickin’ comic, so. Bonus! Get this.

Created by Emma Vieceli and Malin Ryden

Breaks is your THING TO READ if you like your young leads like I like my coffee: angsty. (Note to self: this metaphor did not work). Emma and Malin are naturally gifted at creating complex and emotional character-lead drama, and here is their first out-there-for-the-enjoyment-of-all project together! And hey guess what now, it’s also FREEEEEEEE. Do you want to Break Free? Do you? (I’M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF) Emma has set up a Patreon account for those who would like to support its development and a variety of cool perks! Check that here!

The Firelight Isle
Created by Paul Duffield

I expect you may well have checked this baby out already! Here’s Paul’s free-to-read EPIC project of EPICNESS that is also totally all-ages suited! We’re in it for the long and very beautiful game here, with carefully constructed, Ursula Le Guin-esque fantasy. Marvel at the beauty of the page layouts that will lay you out cold because they are so lovely. Squee over Anlil’s freckles, and Sen’s up-coming nipples (spoilers!). As mentioned, this is a long comic, and if you like what you see, consider helping Paul make it a darn sight quicker by becoming his Patreon!
